Raincoats vs. Umbrellas: Which one is better?

Raincoats vs. Umbrellas: Which one is better?

When it rains, some people like to wear raincoats, while others like to bring umbrellas.

If there is too much rainfall, a raincoat can better keep the whole body dry, If the rain is moderate, the umbrella can keep you from getting wet.

The advantage of wearing a raincoat iswhen the wind gets stronger in rainny day,the raincoat will be not easy to blow away, moreover,when you wearing the raincoat in raining day, you can release your hands and move easily.

The advantage of umbrellas is that they are easier to store after you return from the rain. When you enter your house or building, all you have to do is shake it to remove excess water-for the sake of etiquette, Fold it up again and you can start, but it is not easy to use them in windy days.

If the rain is small, choose an umbrella. But if the weather forecaster says there will be strong winds, you’d better to choose a raincoat

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Post time: Oct-13-2022

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